Thursday, July 24, 2008

Energy Crisis:

World has seen unprecedented energy crisis ever. Naturally growing middle class around the world has contributed a great deal to this crisis in terms of demand. Also, speculation of drying up oil wells around the world also contributed to soaring oil prices.

But where will the energy situation will head in the coming days, there is more of speculation than answers. As energy experts say the source of energy will be diversified in the future than depend on single source of fossil fuel. As nobody can argue on this, as matter of fact, we exhausted considerable portion of the fossil fuel in the previous century itself. It is hard to believe there will be enough fossil fuel to last for more than next one century, there in the process dwindling availability will make it uneconomical sooner than later.

With the growing population, the demand will only increase than decrease. Will the earth sustain this explosion of the population? When will this population growth plateau and the curve head downwards, there seems to be no answer to that. Will the population stop at 10 billion or 100 billion or 1000 billion left for speculation at this point in time. When already just in the past half century population overdrive seemed to have created all sorts of environmental problems, it looks like earth will not sustain this rapid growth of the population. If population grows in this direction within decades we will soon exhaust all our natural resources and there is no doubt the earth will become a barren land.

So where is the answer? The answer lies in Genomics! In the future science will have to create miniature human beings. 6 feet tall 200 pound human beings have become burden to this earth! So science will have to create human beings whose needs are far more lesser than what it is currently. To substantiate this a normal house would have ants in the number of 10000, but more than 5 people in a house would be very demanding in terms of space and economics.

So hope to interact with our great great grandsons/daughters with the help of microscopes!

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